Machine-learning Assisted Gigantic-Image Cancer Margin Scanner

A project of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health Precision Surgical Interventions (ARPA-H PSI)

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About The Project

Current clinical approaches like intraoperative pathology have not solved the persistent problem of incomplete tumor removal. Several technologies have been tried over the past 20 years, but there is currently no existing technology that can deliver the technical performance needed to fully address this problem and “survive in the wild.” In the MAGIC-SCAN project, we will introduce key innovations in microscopy, sample automation, cyber-infrastructure, ML model co-design & training on petascale data, practical & rapid ML model deployment, and cancer detection and visualization. We will take a human-centered approach to innovation, design and development, involving end-users and stakeholders in every aspect of the project to accomplish trustworthy, practical, capable, and cost-conscious product design that optimizes benefits to physicians, payers, and patients.

We will develop the world’s fastest high-resolution tissue scanner and use it to (i) automatically prepare, handle, and scan the complete surface of removed cancerous organs at 0.5 μm resolution, (ii) detect the presence of any residual cancer cells, and (iii) map their location on the specimen surface for surgeon visualization in the operating room within 15 minutes. Two complementary concepts, each representing fundamental scientific and technical advances in their respective fields, comprise our human-centered design. The first, MAGIC-SCAN (Machine-learning Assisted Gigantic Image Cancer margin SCANner) combines extreme-field-of-view optical sectioning and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (OS-SR-SIM) to obtain very high-speed virtual pathology imaging of cancer tumor margin surfaces at 2x the resolution allowed by diffraction.

To accomplish the cancer classification goals of an end-to-end solution in ≤ 10 minutes, both practically and economically, we will develop the companion concept, FASTMAP (Fast, Accelerated Support for Training MAchine learning models on Petascale data). FASTMAP is a human-centered approach that addresses the iterative nature of the creation-evaluation process of ML cancer-classification models by implementing a high-performance computing cyber-infrastructure capable of developing and training new, accurate models over petascale data on a scale of days. We address this challenge using data management and processing techniques developed over almost two decades of high-performance computing research that are deployed in the latest exascale computing environments. This approach will be complemented by novel strategies for lightning-fast image processing and ML inference at the edge,

Project Leadership

J. Quincy Brown, PhD

Principle Investigator

Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Tulane University

Brian Summa, PhD

Tulane Co-Lead

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Tulane University

Valerio Pascucci, PhD

Utah Lead

Professor, School of Computing

University of Utah

Peter A. Kner, PhD

Georgia Lead

Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Georgia

Project Team

Abu Zahid Bin Aziz

Ph.D. Student, Kahlert School of Computing

University of Utah

Sampad Banik

Ph.D. Student, Kahlert School of Computing

University of Utah

Lauren Boudreaux

Ph.D. Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Tulane University

Ivan Bozic

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Tulane University

Shireen Elhabian, PhD

Associate Professor, School of Computing

University of Utah

Ishrat Jahan Eliza

Ph.D. Student, Kahlert School of Computing

University of Utah

Sharon Fox, MD, PhD


New Orleans VA Medical Center

Stephen Freedland, MD

Professor, Urology

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Attila Gyulassy, PhD

Research Scientist

University of Utah

Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, PhD

Professor, Department of Chemistry

Tulane University

L. Spencer Krane, MD


New Orleans VA Medical Center

Ed Liu

Ph.D. Student, Kahlert School of Computing

University of Utah

Dylan A. Lucia, MS

Ph.D. Student, Bioinnovation

Tulane University

Samuel Luethy, MS

Lead Product Engineer

Instapath Inc.

Kat Milligan, MPP

Senior Research Administrator

Tulane University

Vi Nguyen

Research Specialist

Tulane University

Melika Pooyan

Ph.D. Student

University of Georgia

Emily Ribando-Gros, PhD

Senior Software Developer

Tulane University

Georgio Scorzelli, MS

Lead Software Developer

University of Utah

Andrew B. Sholl, MD


Delta Pathology

Jennifer Silinsky, MD


LCMC Health

Christopher Simmons

Imaging Engineer

Tulane University

Tom Szymczyk, MS

Lead Software Engineer

Instapath Inc.

David Tulman, PhD

Chief Clinical Officer

Instapath Inc.

Jacquelyn Turner, MD

Professor, Surgery

Tulane University School of Medicine

Mei Wang, PhD

Chief Executive Officer

Instapath Inc.

Carola Wenk, PhD

Professor, Department of Computer Science

Tulane University

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